Friday, April 18, 2014

Where is my Headline?

I remember the old school bliss of getting up to bright new news paper with headlines informing me about important news of the day before my eyes got accustomed to the full light of the day. The headlines were always made to catch your eyes first to inform you maximum about day’s excerpts without reading much, without spending loads of time in reading the finer text, hence printed in big bold letters. Naturally when “read-o-holics” like me open their eyes to news paper in the morning, we are not really looking for moving our hands a lot before we get our first dose of news to wake us up well to turn the page and read on! It’s almost like , coffee or tea for few people, they don’t start functioning well if they don’t get their beverage, just like that we drink our first dose of news to wake up, but..

There is always but in this world from where the problem starts. Be it butt or booty.

I totally understand it’s an era of advertising and many have huge amount of money to put up full pager campaigns, I respect the money they have and the power they have to manipulate perceptions of lazy first pagers like me. But come on guys! Headlines had their own reason to exist, exist on the FRONT freaking page! We don’t function well without reading the news headlines and sorry but your ad cannot intrigue us for more than few nano seconds before we have to use our muscle power to lift the news paper and do that irritating page turning before we start functioning properly. it’s a kind of a torture where someone switches of the coffee maker of a ‘waking up to coffee’ person and tells him to wait till the percolator brews the coffee. He will grumble continuously with the gurgling sounds that device makes till he gets his coffee.
Why I can’t just open my eyes to big familiar print bearing hard enough reality to bring me back to world in a fraction of moment? Why do I have to settle for gazing at some graphical building or some old starlet laden with glittering jewel which doesn't intrigue me for more than few nano seconds?
Why do I have to turn the pages before my muscles start functioning well?

God! I want to protest, but for that I need a cup of coffee first..

Strange strange world....

Good morning.