Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sleeping beauty, please do your duty!

Why? Why on the earth we have to get up in the morning? Why , why the sleep ends eventually? Why cant we just hibernate like bears or insects and sleep for months and months together? The answer is pretty simple, because we have to WORK! We have STOMACH to feed, and last but not least, we are HUMAN BEINGS.
But when it rains for whole night, unfamiliar chill in the air, you have heard a powerful thunderstorm bulding just before you go off to sleep, you just wrap yourself up in warmest blanket that you have, and sleep away to the glory! And then? Then the day breaks, and you have to get up again...
We getup, eat ,work,  sleep, and repeat but why there cant be a single day when we r granted more than 12 hours of sleep? Wont we all jump on the opportunity if something like this happens? Dreams dreams.. We mostly dont even have time to dream, i soo want to sleep more.... Guess i will sleep for ten more minutes..
Why? Why on the earth we have to get up if we are eventually gonna fall asleep again at night?

Srange stange world


Sunday, June 8, 2014

You give 'socializing' a bad name!

Over few years i realized, i get up self loathing about how unsuccessful i am, how my life is just not happening, how i am invisible in crowds, how other people have done exceptionally well in their life and how horribly i have failed, how i feel ugly because i dont have a perfect selfie to post on instagram , and so on! I once thought for days about how miraculously things worked for others but me? I wondered how others like me ever survived the shame of failure that we exist in? I was desperate to find the answers as it increasingly became impossible to exist with my unsuccessful self.
I introspected. (obviously because my 'smartphone' died on me due to low battery, in the middle of a long bus ride)
I started fidgitating, became restless, i was going back to the phone every 15 seconds checking in the hope to start the device. It started once reluctantly and drained again, leaving me anxious and worried. I had to keep it away. I reluctantly shoved it in my pocket. I was forced to look at the people around me, because i could no longer log on to facebook, tweeter or instagram.

People. The real people, they looked ordinary. No girl was pouting with picture perfect smile, couple of them sat chit -chatting, laughing out loud (really! And it was not as dry as lol!)they were not clicking selfies,  they all were tired just like me! Returning home from a day long work, sweating 'Mumbai' style! i saw a guy sitting in a corner in his formal attire, worried sick about a project, constantly talking on his phone. i couldn't imagine this guy having a perfect life, at least right now.. I saw women concern about returning home to make dinner on time, continuously checking their watches. I saw a woman tired of her constantly vining child and was visibly disgusted by the very existence of her offspring, unlike those crazy new mothers on fb obnoxiously posting photos of their children with "awwwwww" in the description. I saw a couple chatting about real matters, probably about mortgage for new house, or about some health issue in family. When i looked out i saw a girl crying silently sitting on the back seat of the cab.. That's when i realized i wasnt alone, they all were going through real issues, real struggles and real failures like me! Suddenly i felt closer to these bunch of strangers than those 1000 odd friends i have on Facebook. These people were like me, in flesh and blood, not just an imagery of 'perfect' lives.
It opened my eyes. I realized why my mother my father were containted and happy in their times! Simply because they din't have entire world's success sent to them through notifications as a first thing in the morning. They evaluated themselves only against their own progress and competed against there ownselves, and most importantly they lived amongst the real people, not just the virtual image of people they once knew.

Every day when i travel i see many people, especially women walking around with a headphones in their ears. They look through everything as if they dont exist in the current reality. They are lost in their phones, running away from any perception or intuition.
Yet we chose to chat more than talk, text more than meet, create groups with strangers on whatsapp but avoid family get togethers..
I dont understand what we have become??

Strange strange world..

Friday, April 18, 2014

Where is my Headline?

I remember the old school bliss of getting up to bright new news paper with headlines informing me about important news of the day before my eyes got accustomed to the full light of the day. The headlines were always made to catch your eyes first to inform you maximum about day’s excerpts without reading much, without spending loads of time in reading the finer text, hence printed in big bold letters. Naturally when “read-o-holics” like me open their eyes to news paper in the morning, we are not really looking for moving our hands a lot before we get our first dose of news to wake us up well to turn the page and read on! It’s almost like , coffee or tea for few people, they don’t start functioning well if they don’t get their beverage, just like that we drink our first dose of news to wake up, but..

There is always but in this world from where the problem starts. Be it butt or booty.

I totally understand it’s an era of advertising and many have huge amount of money to put up full pager campaigns, I respect the money they have and the power they have to manipulate perceptions of lazy first pagers like me. But come on guys! Headlines had their own reason to exist, exist on the FRONT freaking page! We don’t function well without reading the news headlines and sorry but your ad cannot intrigue us for more than few nano seconds before we have to use our muscle power to lift the news paper and do that irritating page turning before we start functioning properly. it’s a kind of a torture where someone switches of the coffee maker of a ‘waking up to coffee’ person and tells him to wait till the percolator brews the coffee. He will grumble continuously with the gurgling sounds that device makes till he gets his coffee.
Why I can’t just open my eyes to big familiar print bearing hard enough reality to bring me back to world in a fraction of moment? Why do I have to settle for gazing at some graphical building or some old starlet laden with glittering jewel which doesn't intrigue me for more than few nano seconds?
Why do I have to turn the pages before my muscles start functioning well?

God! I want to protest, but for that I need a cup of coffee first..

Strange strange world....

Good morning.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Chronicles of an 'Average'

I am not a good writer but i am not the worst either, it makes me part of wide group of people called as 'average'. Many of us get up in the morning and work throughout the week just to meet a meager compensation by the end of the month. While others succeed, achieve, flourish, grow, we survive! Strictly, just survive.
We feel the pain, needs, concerns, disappointments, but like the 'above average' others we cant deal with it that efficiently. We still try to do something or the other to maintain our 'average' status. Who wants to be 'below average'  any ways? We talk about idealism, we talk about what is wrong what is right ( most of it coming from people considered as 'above average' 'brilliant' or 'genius' ) and wrap our life around it. after all, its soo convenient to live with philosophies well tested! Why to use our brains more than what's required to just survive?
The happiness lies in watching others succeed, associating our 'average' selves to those who grew up with you but were always 'brilliant',  we take pride in telling our younger once how 'that uncle on TV, and me played together in preschool'.
face it u all 'brilliant' 'above average' 'genius' people, we, the well hated 'average' people make you hero! And yet we everyday get up in the morning just to survive another day, and u roll in glory at our expense.
Strange strange world.....

Sunday, February 23, 2014


It’s a tricky word with multiple meanings, different interpretations made out of different perceptions. The meaning of this word varies from person to person. For some it’s a routine uncontrollable rambling your mind goes through while you are asleep, for some it’s a deliberate thinking towards what they want to achieve in their life, for some its just a figment of imagination they love to get lost into once in a while, and for some it’s a forbidden fruit they know they will never achieve, still lust after. But mostly the dreams are the involuntary rambling of subconscious that goes on when you are sleeping. There are nightmares, there are happy dreams many even experience wet dreams, but they seldom make sense when you get up. The stories in these dreams are frequently surreal and impossible in perfect physical world, they sometimes involve people we know but never entirely make sense, we feel surges of real emotions while going through this subconscious experience but its not a bit realistic in its characteristics, yet we choose to call something well thought of, a life goal , as a dream?
Coming to the well thought dreams, most people have one of their own. As small as owning some small object to as big as owning the world! its all that your imagination can fetch! The desire that drives a person to achieve or at least try to achieve the life goal he has set. Many others may not have the life goal but they still dream whenever their heart desires. Remember the countless time we spend lolling around on a couch thinking about how I wish I was Richi-Rich or Barak Obama or a pop star! Dreaming is a great escape we seek from the mundane lives we live, a power to achieve everything inside our minds which vanishes the moment we hit the reality. But for a moment we live what we wish we would have lived , what we deeply believe we deserve. And yet we look at other people and say, ‘he is living my dream’ when you could easily just close your eyes and live his life inside your mind for a moment and just let it vanish with a snap of fingers! but we are seldom content with that..

Strange strange world..

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

*conditions apply.

            Every day we wake up to stare at our Smartphone which is flooded with forwarded messages at any given point of time. Out of all the jokes you receive in a day, the jokes regarding poor husbands, dominating wives and about dark humor on marriage rule the roost. Most of the men at 40 go out of the way to elaborate how their life would have been different, better and colorful if they never got married few years ago, they still don’t shy away from having another woman in their life to regain the normalcy of past glory. Most of the women in their forties desire younger men, either they keep it to themselves or just finish it off by having an extra marital affair. Most of the forty something couples admit the sex has died from their relationships, and they are like platonic couple living together for their child’s sake. Married men loath the idea of marriage the most, and women express it carefully in socially acceptable way, that’s called as gossip.
             Then it makes me wonder what all we grew up seeing in mushy gooey Bollywood flicks, the things we read in fairy tales as a kid and extended reading it to teens in mills and boons? What was it? Why Meg Ryan waited eagerly for Tom Hanks’ mail? Closer home, why Kajol waited till Rani Mukharji died, and she could finally get her high school sweetheart SRK? All this brings us to only one answer, ‘to get married’.  Why all those fairy tales and chick flicks ended with just ‘happily ever after.’ ? Why they never told us what comes after the marriage? May be because, nobody dares to question such an ancient institution and violate its sanctity. And after knowing all the facts, I still see many youngsters just happily and voluntarily jumping into a marriage, without seeing a small star on the top of the last line of every fairy tale.

Strange strange world…..

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lie that socks.

        How many times what you tell to HR consultant is true? We all get calls from job placement firms all the time. Especially after renewing our resumes on online job portals, but how much information that we provide to placement agencies is true? We are told to boast about our designation, about our last drawn salary and then take the hits and digs regarding the same by the strangers who are actually not sitting there to hire you, but just interested in being a middle man to sale your talent for their own benefits. They are not your friends, they are just the pimps, they are good to you till you give them business. And so you have to pump up your package. The more you show you are salable the better you are going to get sold, and such is a game!
        I sometimes wonder don’t they really know how many socks are stuffed down there to make the package look bigger? Do they really don’t analyze how much do we add up to our last drawn salaries to bag a better deal? But still they sale you on the face value! That’s the beauty of having a middle man . you both win at the end of the day with fair amount of lies, And just like good sheep of a good shepherd the companies hire employees in the name of ‘right choice’.

Strange strange world….