Sunday, February 23, 2014


It’s a tricky word with multiple meanings, different interpretations made out of different perceptions. The meaning of this word varies from person to person. For some it’s a routine uncontrollable rambling your mind goes through while you are asleep, for some it’s a deliberate thinking towards what they want to achieve in their life, for some its just a figment of imagination they love to get lost into once in a while, and for some it’s a forbidden fruit they know they will never achieve, still lust after. But mostly the dreams are the involuntary rambling of subconscious that goes on when you are sleeping. There are nightmares, there are happy dreams many even experience wet dreams, but they seldom make sense when you get up. The stories in these dreams are frequently surreal and impossible in perfect physical world, they sometimes involve people we know but never entirely make sense, we feel surges of real emotions while going through this subconscious experience but its not a bit realistic in its characteristics, yet we choose to call something well thought of, a life goal , as a dream?
Coming to the well thought dreams, most people have one of their own. As small as owning some small object to as big as owning the world! its all that your imagination can fetch! The desire that drives a person to achieve or at least try to achieve the life goal he has set. Many others may not have the life goal but they still dream whenever their heart desires. Remember the countless time we spend lolling around on a couch thinking about how I wish I was Richi-Rich or Barak Obama or a pop star! Dreaming is a great escape we seek from the mundane lives we live, a power to achieve everything inside our minds which vanishes the moment we hit the reality. But for a moment we live what we wish we would have lived , what we deeply believe we deserve. And yet we look at other people and say, ‘he is living my dream’ when you could easily just close your eyes and live his life inside your mind for a moment and just let it vanish with a snap of fingers! but we are seldom content with that..

Strange strange world..

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

*conditions apply.

            Every day we wake up to stare at our Smartphone which is flooded with forwarded messages at any given point of time. Out of all the jokes you receive in a day, the jokes regarding poor husbands, dominating wives and about dark humor on marriage rule the roost. Most of the men at 40 go out of the way to elaborate how their life would have been different, better and colorful if they never got married few years ago, they still don’t shy away from having another woman in their life to regain the normalcy of past glory. Most of the women in their forties desire younger men, either they keep it to themselves or just finish it off by having an extra marital affair. Most of the forty something couples admit the sex has died from their relationships, and they are like platonic couple living together for their child’s sake. Married men loath the idea of marriage the most, and women express it carefully in socially acceptable way, that’s called as gossip.
             Then it makes me wonder what all we grew up seeing in mushy gooey Bollywood flicks, the things we read in fairy tales as a kid and extended reading it to teens in mills and boons? What was it? Why Meg Ryan waited eagerly for Tom Hanks’ mail? Closer home, why Kajol waited till Rani Mukharji died, and she could finally get her high school sweetheart SRK? All this brings us to only one answer, ‘to get married’.  Why all those fairy tales and chick flicks ended with just ‘happily ever after.’ ? Why they never told us what comes after the marriage? May be because, nobody dares to question such an ancient institution and violate its sanctity. And after knowing all the facts, I still see many youngsters just happily and voluntarily jumping into a marriage, without seeing a small star on the top of the last line of every fairy tale.

Strange strange world…..

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lie that socks.

        How many times what you tell to HR consultant is true? We all get calls from job placement firms all the time. Especially after renewing our resumes on online job portals, but how much information that we provide to placement agencies is true? We are told to boast about our designation, about our last drawn salary and then take the hits and digs regarding the same by the strangers who are actually not sitting there to hire you, but just interested in being a middle man to sale your talent for their own benefits. They are not your friends, they are just the pimps, they are good to you till you give them business. And so you have to pump up your package. The more you show you are salable the better you are going to get sold, and such is a game!
        I sometimes wonder don’t they really know how many socks are stuffed down there to make the package look bigger? Do they really don’t analyze how much do we add up to our last drawn salaries to bag a better deal? But still they sale you on the face value! That’s the beauty of having a middle man . you both win at the end of the day with fair amount of lies, And just like good sheep of a good shepherd the companies hire employees in the name of ‘right choice’.

Strange strange world….